Saturday, December 2, 2023

Trophy Antiquities Scraps Bolster Scandinavian National Self-Worth

The National Museum of Denmark, after “careful consideration”, has refused requests from the Acropolis Museum in Athens to return three fragments of the Parthenon that are currently on display in Copenhagen (George Vardas, "The Parthenon Sculptures: “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” Greek City Times Nov 24, 2023​.
According to the Danish Museum’s director, Dr Rane Willerslev, the sculptural fragments are of greater importance to the National Museum than if they were sent to Greece, noting that the majority of the surviving Parthenon sculptures are divided between London and Athens and the three fragments in Copenhagen have “one particular role for Danish cultural history”.
Umm, yeah. It is materiual proof that the little peninsula and islands were part of the same European trends that everybody elae was. Oh whoopee.

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